Kelowna Votes

Kelowna West By-election Part 3: What to Watch For

The big day to finally send someone to Victoria to do our bidding

Hey-ho Kelowna West! Tomorrow’s the big day to finally send someone to Victoria to do our bidding. By-elections are generally lower-key affairs than general elections, but this year Kelowna West, and the power-fulcrum its seat holds, represents quite the narrative… oh and I think there might be some other issues flying around in the

Kelowna Votes

Kelowna West By-election Part 2: All Candidates Forum Downtown – What they Said

The five candidates prepare for the All Candidates Forum at Okanagan Innovation Centre

Friday’s lunchtime brown bag All Candidates Forum for the upcoming Kelowna West by-election was a rather quiet and straightforward affair. With what appeared to be a crowd made up of mostly media, those related to the candidates, some switched on seniors, and a handful of others, it was in all a pretty embarrassingly low

Kelowna Votes

Kelowna West By-election Part 1: Meet the Candidates

By-election for the dropout Christy Clark’s Kelowna West seat in the BC legislature has been announced

The by-election for the dropout Christy Clark’s Kelowna West seat in the BC legislature has been announced (Feb. 14) and four major candidates have their hat in the ring. Historically a BC Liberal (or other small-c conservative parties like Social Credit) stronghold, this riding’s election could prove interesting given the rise of the Green/NDP government and also