
We Are In This Together, COVID-19 Edition

How can we help the helpers?

People respond to stress and fear differently. Panic mode can bring out the worst in us. But around the world, we are also witnessing inspiring examples of how crises can encourage the best of humanity to shine. From singing together on balconies in Italy, to free online concerts and virtual yoga, to grassroots community support groups, people around the world are reminding us of the importance of

Master planned neighbourhoods are all about affordability says the local development community. LEFT: This house in Upper Mission is priced at $2,500,000. The average price of master planned homes seems to be around $900,000 – way beyond what a regular BC family can afford. This house is from the “Terroir series” clearly referencing it’s strong sense of place lol. Maybe one day the hills will look like the image on the RIGHT: Late capitalism in full bloom (cover of Frederic Jameson’s book Postmodernism).
Official Community Plan

OPINION: Dear Council, Stick With the Vision the Public Chose, and Suits Your Growth Goals – Scenario 3

Master planned neighbourhoods are all about affordability says the local development community

We took part in Imagine Kelowna, walked through an engaging choose-your-own-adventure version of all four growth scenarios for the OCP for 2020-2040, and had our say on the direction for the future plans of Kelowna. A great majority (72%) of us chose the more progressive Scenarios 3 and 4 whose focus is on future development occurring mostly in the urban core rather than in the suburbs, and last December the city endorsed growth